Hi Sachin.
You could use the extension1 table of the BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST, as you suggested, but its enough to have just one field, for the sole purpose of parking document, instead of posting it, for example:
extension1-field1 = 'X'
Then, you need to implement BTE, as described in the note 487722:
- using SE80 create new function group and in that group a new function module
- using FIBF (Menu: Settings - Products - ... of a customer) create a new Product, for this purpose, and click the activate checkbox
- using FIBF (Meni: Settings - Process Modules - ... of a customer) create a new record where you will link the just created process, function module and a process - (Process: RWBAPI01; Ctr: empty; Appl: empty; Function module: your_new_function_module; Product: your_new_product). Please note the process RWBAPI01 used for this purpose.
Reference for your new function could be function module SAMPLE_INTERFACE_RWBAPI01 from the ACC9 function group.
Source code for your new function module could be like this:
READ TABLE extension INDEX 1.
IF NOT extension IS INITIAL.
LOOP AT extension.
CHECK extension-field1 = 'X'.
MOVE 2 TO document_header-status_new.
Hope it helps.