I’m trying to send idoc for purchase orders using Basic type ORDERS05.
Initially we received error in BD87 “EDI: Syntax error in IDoc (too many repetitions of a segment)”
The error was caused due to limit that segment E1EDP19 can be repeated (SAP standard = 5)
We then found “how to” note 1860347 which referred us to note 370021.
After implementing note 370021, we changed the default from 5 to 20.
We are now stuck with new error in SM58 for function module IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS:
"Out of range: size 5 exceeded max size limit 5.""
Are there additional changes/settings that must be performed? Why would FM still pick up the setting for 5?
We are using standard SAP when generating PO iDOCs. Most PO iDOCs are processed successfully to external system. Only a few are failing.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Best regards