Dear All
I have searched enough across web, tried around a lot but to no Success!
The issue is:
I have 25 files to upload master data and its for different entitiy but for same transaction. I have developed one LSMW tool and want all the files to go in a single shot.
I am using the wild card fucntionality in "Specify files" step and its working file ..Its reading all the 25 files and converting all 25 files. But in the second last option which creates a batch input session to write data to database, it reads only one file .i.e. last file processed in "Display converted data" step. Is it not possible to have a batch input session with all files and process all these files simultaenously to update the database tables.
There may be a way out or am I missing something?
Lot of threads/discussion on this topic, but none has been answered.