Hello All,
first of all, I hope that my English will be understandable.
I must create a report for sales orders by planned deliver date. Most of info what I need are in VBAP, but there is no delivery date there, only in VBAK. I download VBAK by VDATU, result is a list with 500-3k pcs of orders. Next step shouId be I take these order numbers and "insert" them into VBAP-VBELN, but I'm not able to find out how can I do it in VBA (multiple selection, therefore I download that by ERDAT (large interval, because the orders can arrive to system more weeks before delivery date). Result is a code what is downloading VBAP ~ten minutes... It is not acceptable. I would like to choose a simplier example (where problem is the same): MARA.
I have only 2-300 article number per list but I have to download 80k articles because I can filter only prefix and H% is not so exact filter...
One-dimensional array is the only one solution what I tried for that but RFC call is false in that case.
Sub MARA() '(user As String, password As String)
Const TABLA As String = "MARA"
Const UZI1 As String = "there is no connection to R/3"
Const UZI2 As String = "something wrong"
Const CLIENT As String = "300"
Const LANGUAGE As String = "your logon language"
Const SYSTEM As String = "your system"
Const user As String = "your username"
Const password As String = "your pw"
Dim Tomb As Long
Dim LTomb As Long
’store material numbers from A column of xls into matDatabank
LTomb = Worksheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Tomb = 2
If LTomb = 2 Then
matDatabank = "'" & Worksheets(1).Cells(Rand, 1).Value & "'"
Do While Worksheets(1).Cells(Tomb, 1).Value <> "" And Tomb < LTomb
matDatabank = matDatabank + "'" & Worksheets(1).Cells(Tomb, 1).Value & "', "
Tomb = Tomb + 1
matDatabank = matDatabank + "'" & Worksheets(1).Cells(Tomb, 1).Value & "'"
End If
matDatabank = Left(matDatabank, Len(matDatabank) - 1)
Set conn = CreateObject("SAP.functions")
conn.Connection.SYSTEM = SYSTEM
conn.Connection.CLIENT = CLIENT
conn.Connection.LANGUAGE = LANGUAGE
conn.Connection.user = user
conn.Connection.password = password
retcd = conn.Connection.logon(0, True)
If retcd <> True Then
MsgBox UZI1, vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set equery_tab = RFC_READ_TABLE.Exports("QUERY_TABLE")
Set toptions = RFC_READ_TABLE.Tables("OPTIONS")
Set tdata = RFC_READ_TABLE.Tables("DATA")
Set tfields = RFC_READ_TABLE.Tables("FIELDS")
equery_tab.Value = TABLA
toptions(1, "TEXT") = "MATNR IN" & "(" & matDatabank & ")"
’HM* selection needs more minutes because of huge amount of materials
'toptions(1, "TEXT") = "MATNR like 'HM%'"
tfields(1, "FIELDNAME") = "MATNR"
tfields(2, "FIELDNAME") = "MATKL"
If RFC_READ_TABLE.Call = True Then
MsgBox "success"
Else: MsgBox (UZI2)
End If
End Sub
Thank you for you help!