We have 1 central box for master data where we do initial hiring. Let Say System ID as - CB.
From here IDOC gets generated and distributred to 2 systems ( 1 -for Payroll, 2 - for Benifits). Let Say System ID as - PY and BT respectively.
Idocs are perfectly generated from outbound side (CB)and received in inbound side( both the systems PY and BT).
But in the inbound side, IDOCS are ended with status 52.
Though the status is 52 and the PERNR is posted perfectly in PY box but not in BT box.
The issue I am facing is, there is no PERNR in the BT box which is supposed to be, but no issues in PY box
Below is the message corresponding on the status only for inbound to BT box. No susch message in PY box. Hence I am guessing some thing is missing in BT box when compared to PY box.
Even I tried by transfer the PERNR as stated in the Procedure, but no luck.
Relationship starting from 01CP50025547 impossible - 01P 05177787 does not
exist/is not active
Message no. 5-107
You tried to create a relationship from object 01CP50025547 to object 01P
05177787. However, object 01P 05177787 does not exist or is not active in the
period from 20150101 to 99991231.
If object 01P 05177787 is transferred later with the same relationship, this
relationship is then created automatically. You are not required to do
If object 01P 05177787 does not exist in the target system, you can
ignore this message.
Thanks in advance.
Sri Suktha