You can solve this problem by using that bapi.
Try doing the following:
data: wa_reforder_item type table of bapi_reforder_item_i with header line,
wa_reforder_iteme type bapi_reforder_item.
it_methods = lt_method
it_header = lt_header
it_header_up = lt_header_x
it_component = lt_component
it_component_up = lt_component_change
it_operation = lt_bapi_operation
it_objectlist = lt_objectlist
return = lt_return
et_numbers = lt_ordemcriada
it_reforder_item = lt_reforder_item.
Here is an example of the data that you need to fill in.
For the table lt_reforder_item
For the table lt_bapi_operation:
I know its an old post but it might help other people.