Hi all,
before calling the RFC a second time remove the contents of tblFields and tblOptions.
Like this:
With tblOptions
' here follows the code to insert new options
.AppendRow 'we are still in the With tblOptions
i = i + 1
tblOptions(i, "TEXT") = SomeOption$
End with
Similar for Fields list
With tblFields
If FieldList$ <> "" Then ' I have a parameter containg field list separated with comma
ar = split(FieldList$, ",")
for j = LBound(ar) to UBound(ar)
i = i +1
tblFields(i, "FIELDNAME") = Trim(ar(j))
Next J
End If
End With
That's it more or less.
Please find example in attached txt file including a bit of code for reading header line and next line
Feedback welcome