Yes, with CREMAS06 (in EHP7, SP05) vendor contact person is distributed through ALE.
ADR3MAS is still not included. This means, that a contact persons email address e.g. will not be replicated to target system.
Or is there anyone who managed to get this working?
I managed to get it working like this:
Simply add an entry in BD48 (dependencies between methods and message types) with these values:
Obj.Type = BUS4003
Ref. message type = CREMAS
Filter object type = AD_OBJKEY1
This allows you to maintain a receiver determination in BD64 for BAPI AddressContPart.SaveReplica with dependent distribution for CREMAS as well.
It works! Testing with BD14 creates a CREMAS, ADRMAS and now also a ADR3MAS IDoc being distributed to the target system.
Best regards,