Hi Experts,
I am trying to consume the SOAP web Service using the below program. But I am getting the below error
SoapFaultCode:4 Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction: .
I am now to this web service connectivity..
When I searched with the same error I found the below threads, but not able to understand how to try these solutions.
Note: We dont have PI in our system, I am trying to use consume the SOAP web service through the below program directly from SAP-ECC.
Kindly give your valuable suggestions to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance.
REPORT zhr_mgr_webserv_test.
*declarations for Try/Catch block exception handling
DATA: exc TYPE REF TO cx_root.
DATA: msg TYPE string.
* declare a reference to your proxy consumer object
DATA proxy_test TYPE REF TO zco_mgrtraining_soap1.
* instantiate the object reference
IF proxy_test IS NOT BOUND.
CREATE OBJECT proxy_test TYPE zco_mgrtraining_soap1.
DATA:input TYPE zmgrcourse_categories_soap_in1,
output TYPE zmgrcourse_categories_soap_ou3.
input-n_company_code = 'XXXX'.
input-n_password = 'YYYY'.
*** * call the method (web service call) you can use the pattern to generate the code if you wish
CALL METHOD proxy_test->mgrcourse_categories
input = input
output = output.
* process the output
DATA: wa_get_data TYPE PRXCTRL.
LOOP AT output-mgrcourse_categories_result-controller INTO wa_get_data.
WRITE wa_get_data-field .
WRITE wa_get_data-value .
CATCH cx_ai_system_fault INTO exc.
msg = exc->get_text( ).
WRITE:/ msg.