Hi all,
i need to insert rows into Oracle external database. It's work fine with Native SQL instruction but i have a problem with date fields, the system goes back me an error.
My Oracle database is created like this :
ENT_No number(8) NOT NULL,
ENT_DenSoc varchar(80) NOT NULL,
TET_Code char(16) NOT NULL,
ENT_CodeSiret varchar(14) NULL,
ADR_Rue varchar(50) NULL,
ADR_ComplRue varchar(50) NULL,
ADR_Cedex varchar(10) NULL,
ADR_CodePostal varchar(16) NULL,
ADR_Ville varchar(32) NULL,
ADR_CodePays char(32) NOT NULL,
ENT_DtCessation date NULL,
GRE_No number(6) NULL,
DT_Mod date NOT NULL,
constraint PK_ENT_ENTITE primary key (ENT_No)
In my ABAP code, if i fill the field 'ENT_DtCessation4 with the value 'NULL', the system return the following error :
"con=1(SAPEXTST.WORLD): ORA-01858: a non-numeric
character was found where a numeric was expected"
I don't know why.
Thansk for your help.