Hi guys,
we are currently working on a implementation project using VDA 4913 (dispatch advice - for further info on the VDA 4913 type please see https://www.vda.de/en/services/Publications/4913---delivery-notes-with-edi.html).
The task: we shall create IDocs, which are later passed on to an EDI provider, who will convert the IDocs to VDA documents and forward them to a customer.
The SAP system uses standard IDocs and as export type for VDA 4913 data the IDoc type DELVRY01 has been chosen.
The challenge:
VDA types foresee a concept known as transmission number. Every VDA transmission contains a “new transmission number” (which is the number of the current transmission) and an “old transmission number” (which is the number of the previous transmission).
Using this concept, the transmission numbers may contain gaps and do not need to be constantly numbered in an ascending manner (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.), but may look like (e.g., 1, 2, 4, 5, etc.).
Since every VDA document must contain and old and a new transmission number, we must export the numbers in the IDocs as well. In other IDoc types, such as GSVERF01 one could use the fields E1EDK02-BELNR for the number and E1EDK02-QUALF to set the type of number.
E1EDK02-QUALF = 077
for old transmission number
E1EDK02-QUALF = 074
for new transmission number
However, there’s no E1EDK02 segment in the DELVRY01 IDoc type.
We are wondering how you guys are dealing with such a situation, when only a vanilla IDoc type DELVRY01 is present. We can of course always add an extension to the IDoc, but our customer wants to avoid this.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated.