I have no knowledge of these XOM functions requiring a COMMIT WORK via BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT. Would I code that after the audit level set??
I brought up that more recent minisap system, SAP Netweaver ABAP Trial 7.02 SP11 Win 64 bit Version on my workstation. As with the other, ancient, minisap, rz15 was showing only the Logon, Set Audit Level and Logoff calls. But then I selected Period: All instead of Today for time range selection. Lo and behold, it displays Logon/Audit/Logoff as before, but also picked up RMG and Device Reconfigurations. I went back to the Suse NPL system and it does the same thing (although I've yet to see it display Logon.) So rz15 seems to be hiding information that must actually be getting recorded into the XMI log. (Is there a place where we can view the raw log, without rz15??) Still, this seems to be far from what I got on the older N4S system
VS what I got on the old N4S system. (There were two RFC clients accessing, so double traffic.)
Interesting, the language here is Log level changed to 2, vs Setting Audit Level to 3... It smells like I'm still missing a setting or two on the server.
I'm also having trouble finding proper debugging for the server side. There are references to the the "RFC developer trace" in various documents, but I'm not quite sure where that gets enabled and displayed. Are we talking System > Utilities > Performance Trace with RFC selected? I used that in the test cycle below. I'm not sure that's the right thing. Developer Trace - Tools for Monitoring the System - SAP Library describes using SM50 and SM51, but I've been unable to get dev_rfc files to appear in /usr/sap/NPL/SCS00/work . Some do in /usr/sap/NPL/DVEBMGS42/work , but they look more like database transactions. I can't make anything useful out of them.
Attached is a test cycle of RfcOpenConnection, BAPI_XMI_LOGON, BAPI_XMI_SET_AUDITLEVEL, SXMI_XOM_DEVICES_QUERY, SXMI_XOM_RMGS_QUERY, SXMI_XOM_JOBS_CALLBACK, BAPI_XMI_LOGOFF and RfcCloseConnection. The attached client.txt is my debug followed by the rfc trace files generated by the rfc library. server.txt is the server side Performance Trace with RFC & Buffer Traces selected. Finally, RZ15:
I'm still missing where the disconnect is between these RFC functions executing and the XMI log...