My functional analyst configured our sales order creation to create a sales order from an inbound idoc and then creates a stock transfer order (STO) in the background. Following the successful sales order creation, an Order Confirmation is created and an outbound idoc is sent to the customer. The confusion/issue is in the resulting idoc status of sales order creation. Instead of 53 (posted). the idoc status is 62.
Testing is done through WE19. Here's a scenario.
INB idoc # 12345, creates sales order 98765, stock transfer order STO 32345 is created, resulting in processed idoc # 12346 ( Basic type ORDERS04)
Order Confirmation is created resulting in processed idoc # 12347 ( Basic type ORDERS05).
Idoc # 12347 (Order confirmation successful) status = OK.
Idoc # 12346 (sales order successful), but idoc status = 62 (Idoc passed to application) instead of 53 ( application document posted).
I tried to change the idoc 12346 message to V1/311 (Order created), but my change is ignored. Does anyone have some thoughts on this?
The culprit has to do with the STO creation, because I get the status 53 when the STO is not required and not created. But, I don't know how to explain it. Does anyone have some thoughts on this? Or, a solution to this issue?
Thank you.
Kind regards,