When creating a Purchase Order (PO), an Output Type is triggered that will send some PO details to multiple mail adresses in an Excel file.
For this, I use the Business Communication Service (BCS) class from SAP (see SAP Note 1151258), so my code looks similar the the "BCS_EXAMPLE_7" report.
I convert my content string towards the UTF-16LE binary data format:
CALL METHOD cl_bcs_convert=>string_to_solix
iv_string = lv_content
iv_codepage = '4103' "UTF-16LE preferred by Microsoft Excel
iv_add_bom = lc_check "Byte order mark
et_solix = lt_content
ev_size = lv_size.
Later in the program I add the attachment to the mail:
i_attachment_type = 'xls' "#EC NOTEXT
i_attachment_subject = lv_att_txt
i_attachment_size = lv_size
i_att_content_hex = lt_content ).
The result is that the mail is correctly sent towards the recipients and the .xls attachment is correctly included:
However, when opening the .xls document the following text has been generated:
By pressing "Yes" the Excel files opens correctly but the interface seems bugged (icons have disappeared on the menu bar).
However, all the data is displayed correctly.
The error that Excel is generating is due to the fact that the extension is ".xls" but the format is "Unicode Text" as displayed in Save As from Excel:
Did any of you face the same problem or do you have a possible solution?
Thank you in advance for your response!
Best regards,
Niels De Greef