hi friends
i have issue with idoc distribution model.i created one model view assinged RFC messgae type and all.i generated partner profile successfully,
but when i go to distribute the model .i am getting error:Target system RFC name and Communication error occurred .
one exception is thrown here
Exception thrown by application running in JCo Server
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.ibm.j2ca.sap.ext.SapJCoServerHandlerFactory$SapBapiHandlerContext incompatible with com.ibm.
i checked with Basis team as well as middleware team and ESB team (target system).everyone is saying RFC is working fine.
can anyone have idea what getting falied.here.i checked in program level using debug also and found FM:MODEL_VIEW_REPLICATE
this FM is throwing Exception SYSTEM_FAILURE.
please let me know if anyone has idea about this issue.