Hi Frank,
Frank Lohse wrote:
On the RFC Destination HR_DE_ELSTER i do not have to supply the Gateway Option (gateway host and gateway service). The result is: Randomly B2A communication works or not.
Well, this is not really "random": if you don't supply gwhost and gwservice in the SM59 destination, then every application server will try its own gateway. So if the user is currently logged on to the app server, at which the Business Connector is registered, the connection works, and if the user is logged on to any other app server, it doesn't... Quite predictable.
This also leads us to the solution of your problem:
a) leave the gw options empty in SM59
b) on Business Connector side create one "RFC Listener" for every app server.
Then the connection works on every app server, and you don't have a "single point of failure", like you have when all app servers use one single gateway.
Best Regards, Ulrich