Hi there,
I try to install trusted RFC connections between two Systems.
When I use SMT1 to make a trusted relationship and pick one destination, i get an error saying that there are not enaugh authorisations for creating it.
When I check the user on the rfc destination he has S_RFCACL (RFC_EQUSER=N), S_RFC_TT (ACTVT=01), S_ADMI_FCD with NADM and S_RFC for executing "RFC_TRUSTED_SYSTEM_SECURITY" on the other System with which I try to get trusted.
But still getting the error. Did I forget something?
Did a trace on the user, mentioned on the Destination an just get return code=0; S_ADMI_FCD=NADM.
I really don't know what to do, so thanks for your support.
Sorry for my bad english, I hope you guys understand my problem.
Thanks and with regards,