Dear Colleagues,
I created a new Z Idoc for Shipment Outbound Delivery Save Replica for our new external warehouse. These Idoc are generated.
I know that SAP provide a BaDI to extend the IDoc with segment E1BPEXTC, E1BPEXT but it's very unconformtable, if the external warehouse needs more than 50 special fields.
Therefore I created a new one:
My procedure:
1. Create new Business Object ZLIKP with Super Type LIKP.
2. Create new Method ZSAVEREPLICA.
3. Copy and create a new function module ZBAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_SAVEREPLICA and assign as API on my method.
4. Generate a new Message type ZSHP_OBDLV_SAVE_REPLICA from Z function module.
5. Assign & generated the basis type ZSHP_OBDLV_SAVE_REPLICA04
6. Create new partner profile and distribution model with my new BAPI
So this settings are fine.
My problem:
How can I trigger my new IDoc/Message type for Shipment Outbound Delivery Save Replica, if a new outbound delivery created for external warehouse in SAP.
There are no customizing settings to set or assign the warehouse no. with my new message type.
Currently the systems works only with the standard Message Type SHP_OBDLV_SAVEREPLICA.
Have anyone the solution?
Thanks in advance.