So there is only one ALV...
- In the PAI of the dynpro, just append data input of upper dynpro in the internal table displayed in the ALV grid.
- In the PBO of the dynpro, just after the code which initialize the ALV grid (with a check like if ref_grid IS INITIAL) use an alternative (ELSE) to execute the refresh of the grid
IF gv_grid_displayed IS INITIAL. * First display CREATE OBJECT: gv_cont_exporting container_name = 'CONTAINER_NAME', gv_grid EXPORTING i_parent = cont_0201. CALL METHOD gr_grid->set_table_for_first_display EXPORTING is_layout = gs_layout is_variant = gs_variant i_save = 'A' i_default = 'X' CHANGING it_fieldcatalog = gt_fcat it_outtab = gt_itab gv_grid_displayed = abap_true. ELSE. * Next calls CALL METHOD gv_grid->refresh_table_display EXPORTING is_stable = gs_stable i_soft_refresh = 'X' EXCEPTIONS finished = 1 OTHERS = 2. ENDIF.