Hello Ramiwal,
You can try with the statement MODIFY itab with itab_lines.
Refer to the SAP help for the statement as below.
MODIFY itab - itab_lines
... itab FROM wa TRANSPORTING comp1 comp2 ...WHERE log_exp.
With these additions the MODIFY statement assigns the content of the comp1 comp2 ... components of the wa work area specified afterTRANSPORTINGtoalllinesin the itab table that meet the logical condition log_exp. The wa workarea must be compatib
The TRANSPORTING addition has the same effect aschanging individual lines. The WHERE addition can only be specified together with the TRANSPORTING addition.AfterWHERE,any logical expression can be specified in which the first operand of each individual comparison
Change the contents of the planetype component foralllinesin the sflight_tab internal tablein which this component contains the value p_plane1 to the value p_plane2.
PARAMETERS: p_carrid TYPE sflight-carrid,
p_connid TYPE sflight-connid,
p_plane1 TYPE sflight-planetype,
p_plane2 TYPE sflight-planetype.
DATA sflight_tab TYPESORTEDTABLEOF sflight
WITHUNIQUEKEY carrid connid fldate.
DATA sflight_wa TYPE sflight.
FROM sflight
INTOTABLE sflight_tab
WHERE carrid = p_carrid AND
connid = p_connid.
sflight_wa-planetype = p_plane2.
MODIFY sflight_tab FROM sflight_wa
TRANSPORTING planetype WHERE planetype = p_plane1.
wa = <--- required changes.
MODIFY idoc_data FROM wa TRANSPORTING tdline WHERE segnam = 'E1EDKT2'.