Dear Connectivity Colleagues,
I would like to consume the Elgate Webservice, in ECC6.0 with a SAP_ABA 700 component SP0012. I didnt get any further than the testservice WelcomeToElgate. In SOAMANAGER i get a decent response. But the CL_WS_PROXY_OUTBOUND doesnt succeed in getting a bound response out of that.
The WSDL can be seen here , but before i got a response i had to tackle 2 problems:
1. I had to delete the last slash-character in the TargetNamespace in the WSDL, since i got the error "SOAPFaultCode:1 Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction:". (So SAP doubled the slash-character.)
2. I had to delete the SOAP1.2 binding. Since SAP only supports SOAP1.1.
After that i had a WSDL-file that could generate a proxy and a port, see the attached file.
When I call the service i add some authenticationdata to header of the SOAP-message in the abap. Then I get a nice response in the SOAPruntime. SOAMANAGER shows this response payload:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Body><WelcomeToElgateResponse xmlns=""><WelcomeToElgateResult>Willkommen bei Elgate!</WelcomeToElgateResult></WelcomeToElgateResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
But the runtime is not able to parse this to a response object and throws: GENERAL_ERROR Error duing proxy processing (PART UNKNOWN (NULL) )
It would be great if you could give me a clue about this one. Regards, Niels
(My actual WSDL is included hereby:)