Hi experts,
It is my first time handling IDOC's, só excuse me if is simple.
I have been looking through the forum and didn't find the exact requirement as I have.
We have a IDOC comunication between two SAP Machines by RFC conection. But when the communications are down, we will copy the original IDOC and change the PORT only to be a XML port.
I have done it through the WE19, change the port and Process it and it goes OK.
But in ABAP, I'm using FM IDOC_READ_COMPLETELY to read the Original and change the PORT on the IDOC Control. Then the FM BAPI_IDOC_INPUT1 to insert the IDOC but it keeps not working. I have tryed clear the IDOC number, give him a new IDOC number, etc etc ..
Any tips would be welcome.
Thank you.