Hi Experts.
I am trying call an webservice synch from ABAP (ECC 6.17)
I had already imported wsdl into Service Consumer to generate my ABAP class and had created ZSER01 Logical Port as following
I incremented wsdl as this SAP Note suggested - 1710478 - How to select custom certificate list (PSE) for Logical Ports in SOAMANAGER
I configured PSE in STRUST and now I can connect to webservice but the response is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
I really don't know how I can solve this.
My ABAP program for test is simple:
DATA: proxy TYPE REF TO zserasaco_wsgestordecisao_soap, ls_output TYPE zserasaanalisar_credito_ssoap, ls_input TYPE zserasaanalisar_credito_ssoap1, fault TYPE REF TO cx_root. ls_input-s_cnpj = '61586558002562'. ls_input-s_usr_gc = '879'. ls_input-s_pass_gc = '16407'. ls_input-s_usr_ser = '9759'. ls_input-s_pass_ser = '4287'. ls_input-vr_compra = 97765. ls_input-b_serasa = 'X'. ls_input-b_atualizar = space. ls_input-i_quadro_social = 1. TRY. CREATE OBJECT proxy EXPORTING logical_port_name = 'ZSER01'. BREAK-POINT. TRY. CALL METHOD proxy->analisar_credito_s EXPORTING input = ls_input IMPORTING output = ls_output. CATCH cx_ai_system_fault INTO fault. ls_output-analisar_credito_sresult = fault->get_text( ). CATCH cx_ai_application_fault INTO fault. ls_output-analisar_credito_sresult = fault->get_text( ). ENDTRY. CATCH cx_ai_system_fault INTO fault. ls_output-analisar_credito_sresult = fault->get_text( ). ENDTRY. WRITE ls_output-analisar_credito_sresult.
Any idea?
Thanks in advanced.