Hi ,
I want to get the data that is stored in the test data directory.
I tried the below code:
data : d102n_exportkey like functdir.
data : begin of te_datadir occurs 10,
dataid like eufunc-nummer, "Schlüsselnr. für Testdatenimp.
stepid(3), "PBO/PAI-Eintrag
seqid like eufunc-seqid,
datum like sy-datum,
uzeit like sy-uzeit,
end of te_datadir.
te_datadir is a internal table
d102n_exportkey-area = p_file.
d102n_exportkey-progid = p_fname.
d102n_exportkey-dataid = dataid.
IMPORT te_datadir
FROM DATABASE eufunc(fl) ID d102n_exportkey.
But i want to write the data that is stored in there in test data dictionary.
for eg: if i have created test data with the name 'testing' , then i have to write the data that is there in 'testing'.
Please help if anyone knows how to do this,
I also tried table EUFUNC. But as mentioned in othere threads it is cluster table and i am not getting how to get data from here.