Hi everyone,
I fixed the problem mentioned above by granting me more authorisations on the partner system.
But now I got another Problem:
System1 and System2 are now trusted. On both sides new RFC Destinations got automatically created (TRUSTING@System1 & TRUSTING@System2).
I need to use the "old" destinations and I thought that I just need to switch those destiantions to "TRUSTED REALATIONSHOP = Yes" on the "Login & Security" Tab on the Destination in SM59.
But when I now want to test the connection by using the "authorisationcheck" it aborts by telling me: "Not authorized to Login at partner System".
It is definetly not an authorization Problem, because it didn't work when giving sap_all to the system user, defined on the RFC Destination.
Does anyone know what to do here?
Thanks alot and have a nice day,